slow seminars

To work across differences, build language-in-common, and design collaborative studies, SEACoast holds regular Slow Seminars.

What is a Slow Seminar?
Slow Seminars are an invitation for participants of different academic and non-academic backgrounds, and levels of expertise, to engage in discussions based on selected works. Works include academic publications, art, film, or literary works, which can be selected from a single field of expertise, or from a range of fields engaging with the same topic in divergent, related, or unique ways.

Slow Seminars are thus opportunities for building understanding and communication across different fields and communities, which often entails slowing down and unpacking technical language and paradigms. Slowing down also encourages us to notice various forms of impasse that sometimes get in the way of discussion and collaboration. On top of building knowledge about a topic and various fields, Slow Seminars are experimental spaces for growing dynamic collaborations that are necessary for addressing critical environmental issues.

Participants of all backgrounds and expertise are encouraged to attend and watch/read the selected works ahead of the seminar. We urge you not to be discouraged if you are unable to get through all of the readings. Read as much as you are able, and feel free to focus on sections that are of particular interest to you. Every Slow Seminar event is a renewed invitation to participate, observe, and learn with us!


Follow this link to view upcoming and past seminars: Slow Seminars

Please contact for questions or accommodations.